10 Upcoming Movies With Dangerous Levels Of Hype

2. Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice

Release Date: March 23, 2015 If too much hype is going to totally destroy one movie on this list, it's going to be Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice. Zack Snyder's upcoming Superman sequel, after all, has already found itself met with mixed reviews via last week's trailer release, with many fans citing the picture as "too dark," "too amateurish," and... well, "too not what we were expecting," really. Does it deserve more of a chance, though? Should folk hold back their criticisms until release? Of course! Look, any movie titled Batman V Superman comes with massive built-in expectations; the huge - and let's face it - bombastic nature of that title alone promises a hell of a movie, not to mention the fact that it happens to be the first Batman movie to have come this way since The Dark Knight Rises back in 2012. The hype train is moving forwards at full-speed right now, and there's going to be no slowing it down until the movie hits theatres in March of next year. But tearing apart the film before it even has a chance to show people what it's made of is not going to enhance the experience - and neither is pouring over every little detail, which only serves to increase the hype. Which isn't good. Zack Snyder doesn't have a perfect track record by any means, but he's a capable director given that he's paired with the right people; so fans need to have faith in Chris Terrio's script, and in Ben Affleck's decision to be part of this franchise at the height of his resurrected career. Batman V Superman is never going to be the exact movie that you want it to be; the best way to enjoy this movie is to stop thinking about. And if you can't do that... well, try to be diplomatic in your approach to whatever it is the filmmakers serve up in 2016. Contrary to what many people seem to believe, Zack Snyder wants to make this into the best movie imaginable - having some faith in his ability to deliver just that will go a long way.

Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.