10 Upcoming Movies With INSANE Premises

7. In Memoriam

Novocaine Jack Quaid

Bleak though its title might sound, In Memoriam is actually a dark comedy about a terminally ill veteran actor (Marc Maron) who becomes obsessed with ensuring he's included in the Academy Awards' In Memoriam montage following his demise.

Per the film's brief synopsis to date, this wacky setup will give writer-director Rob Burnett the floor to explore "ego, humility, and legacy," with Marc Maron seeming like a perfect casting choice for the central role.

Given how Oscar viewers complain year upon year about how even prominent actors are "snubbed" from the In Memoriam segment, there's certainly a fantastic kernel of an idea here, especially while wrapped around a wider study of vanity and how we as a society choose to remember late artists.

It's certainly a premise that's only likely to hit with a particular type of viewer - that is, those dialled into the whole annual awards circus - but as a wholly original satire of both Hollywood and human nature, the potential speaks for itself.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.