10 Upcoming Movies You Won't Believe Are Real

5. Faces Of Death

Nightbitch Amy Adams
Aquarius Releasing

If you're of a certain age, you'll surely remember the Faces of Death movies - a series of quasi-documentaries claiming to show footage of real death, though in reality the films contain a combination of real videos of people dying obtained from news reports and so on, mixed with fake scenes shot specifically for the film.

Faces of Death was an emblem of the "video nasty" era of 1980s horror and a popular mainstay on the earlier years of the Internet, though largely faded into obscurity by the early 2000s.

And so, few would've expected Hollywood to jump on the reboot train for it, but indeed, a modernised take on Faces of Death has already been filmed, revolving around a moderator for a YouTube-esque video platform who stumbles across a group who appear to be "remaking" the deaths from the original film for real.

It's a loony, amusingly meta premise from talented filmmaker Daniel Goldhaber (CAM, How to Blow Up a Pipeline), and while Faces of Death seems like basically the last horror IP anyone would ever expect to be revived, this actually has a decent amount of promise on paper.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.