10 Tricky Costumes To Nail In Upcoming Comic Book Movies

8. Captain Boomerang - Suicide Squad

Captain Boomerang's costume is in no way complicated, but the tricky part when Jai Courtney takes on the part of Digger Harkness or Owen Mercer will be making it look something like the costume of a supervillain and making look in any way cool. The costume is essentially just a long coat, gloves and, in some cases, a ski-hat. It has boomerangs attached to it en masse and the worry - in addition the aforementioned concern - is that it could end up looking pretty ridiculous and awkward (really, having lots of boomerangs attached to your body would be very impractical and awkward in real life). So, in a nutshell, recreating the costume to the letter won't be hard at all. Making it look practical, formidable and cool could well be.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.