10 Utterly Devastating Film Endings That Totally Came Out Of Nowhere

2. The Descent - Everything€™'s A Lie

The Descent Ending

This was possibly the cruellest twist seen in a long while. Neil Marshall is a fantastic horror director, and he was obviously in his element filming in a claustrophobic underground setting with such terrifying creatures as the lurkers. It was all pretty brutal, with blood, gore, psychological terror and oppressive dark making for a terrifying scenario you wish you could escape from.

It also helped that we had some pretty compelling protagonists, as Marshall'€™s film took the unorthodox step of putting in an all-female cast, but making them pretty tough cookies. However, though they were formidable women, they still looked terribly vulnerable in these surroundings. It was a perfect cocktail in a horror film €“ you empathised with the protagonists and you were scared of the setting, so you really wanted them to escape.

And for the longest time, it looked as if Marshall was going to grant that request. Protagonist Sarah appeared to have made it out of the hellhole €“- she even got into a car and drove off, for god'€™s sake, the surest sign of safety in a horror film. Yet Marshall chose to dispel that notion in a ridiculously jumpy moment where a spectre ambushes the car.

Then, the reveal -€“ it turns out she never got out, but was hallucinating in a cave with the creatures still skulking about. It was possibly the biggest downer ending ever seen €“- it is honestly gutting.

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Durham University graduate and qualified sports journalist. Very good at sitting down and watching things. Can multi-task this with playing computer games. Football Manager addict who has taken Shrewsbury Town to the summit of the Premier League. You can follow me at @Ed_OwenUK, if you like ramblings about Newcastle United and A Place in the Sun. If you don't, I don't know what I can do for you.