10 Vampire Movie Fates Worse Than Death

6. Dark Shadows - Trapped In A Coffin And Doomed To Be Eternally Thirsty

Blade movie
Warner Bros. Pictures

When it was originally announced that a Tim Burton Dark Shadows remake was in the works, starring the likes of Johnny Depp and Helena Bonham Carter, people were understandably excited. However, while the movie had that familiar Burton flare, the charm of it was lost on the audience due to the nonsensical plot and over-saturated 70s style.

The movie chose to go down a campier route instead of focusing on the horror elements, but the movie did feature one particularly horrifying idea in the intro.

When the film begins we see Barnabas Collins all the way back in 1760, human and engaged to a beautiful young woman. When Barnabas gets on the wrong side of an evil witch, his family and fiancé are murdered and he's cursed to live alone, eternally a vampire.

The witch turns the town against the once loved man and they overpower him and trap him inside a coffin, burying him underground, hopefully for eternity. And he would have been there for eternity, if the gentrification of Collinsport hadn't led to a group of construction men digging at the site of his burial in 1972.

The vampire had been buried for over 200 years, eternally awake due to his vampire nature and forced into an insufferable, unending thirst for human blood.

The movie quickly moves past this fact to make room for the convoluted plot, but the implication of this is absolutely horrifying. 200 years, alone, buried and insatiably thirsty. It's enough to drive anyone insane.

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Lily thought it was about time she wrote Top Ten lists for people other than herself. She also owes her dog a lot of money so she thought it was about time to pay her dues. There is no tv show she likes that she hasn't seen at least twice.