10 Video Game Movies That Made ONE Huge Mistake

6. Removing Hell - Doom

Resident Evil Apocalypse Nemesis

Even people who've never played a Doom game might be aware that the series is centered around a space marine battling demons from Hell, and so the 2005 movie's decision to jettison the demonic/Hell element entirely is completely baffling.

Instead, the monstrous invasion is the result of scientific experiments gone wrong - a decidedly more generic and considerably less Doom-like explanation.

It's never been explained why Hell was ripped out of the movie, though some fans have suggested that it may have been a budgetary decision. 

It's far more probable, however, that Universal didn't want to open a theistic can of worms by featuring Hell in a movie which could otherwise be marketed more broadly as a horror-action flick.

Whatever the reason, the absence of Hellish imagery leaves a dark cloud hanging over a film that's really only remembered today for that admittedly well-executed first-person action sequence. Otherwise, this is stridently forgettable slop.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.