10 Video Game Movies That Made ONE Huge Mistake

3. The HUGE Exposition Dump - Silent Hill

Resident Evil Apocalypse Nemesis
Alliance Atlantis

2006's Silent Hill adaptation gets a hell of a lot right - the visual style, sound design, score, and casting capture the atmosphere of the survival horror games near-perfectly.

It's just a shame, then, that the script can't quite match these other elements, and the film begins to slid off the rails in its third act, culminating in one of the most egregious exposition dumps of all time.

In an attempt to ensure that general audiences understand the heady plot, the movie literally stops itself dead in its tracks as protagonist Rose (Radha Mitchell) has the particulars of the narrative spoonfed to her.

It's laughably on the nose and basically signifies the screenwriters giving up on attempting to convey the plot in an organic way. "Show, don't tell," as the saying goes, because this boatload of exposition grinds the movie to a talky, leaden halt.

Other than this, though, it's pretty damn solid.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.