10 Villains Who Need To Be Introduced Into The DC Cinematic Universe
6. The Riddler

While he makes a habit of defeating some of the most dangerous beings in the entire universe, Batman is still only a human being, complete with the limitations that come with his own mortality. While he is an exceptional combatant, it is The Dark Knight's intellect that so often wins him the day, and he is never more than at a loss than when he is faced with someone who can take him to the edge of his mental capabilities. Enter, The Riddler.
Edward Nygma, the man known as The Riddler, is often viewed as The Dark Knights most intelligent adversary. An eccentric egomaniac, whose greatest desire is to finally out-wit Batman, and pull off the one crime that The World's Greatest Detective can never solve, The Riddler will not be satisfied until he out-wits the World Greatest Detective.
While film fans always love to see Batman engage in physical duels with opponents, the ability to show The Dark Knights Intellectual prowess would help to create a more well-rounded take on the character, and no villain brings that side of Batman's personality out than The Riddler. He may have been portrayed excellently by Jim Carrey in Batman Forever, but a new take on The Riddler character would introduce the master of puzzles to a whole new audience, and could allow for cinema to earn another iconic villain.