10 War Films Where Everyone Survives

1. The Best Years Of Our Lives

The Messenger

The definitive war movie, with or without deaths on screen, is one that contains no combat whatsoever. William Wyler's masterpiece is all about the lingering aftermath of war, the physical, mental and emotional traumas that greeted veterans upon their return.

The Best Years of Our Lives is entirely centred on three men trying to rebuild after the end of the Second World War. One is struggling with economic uncertainty and an unhappy marriage, one is slowly re-adjusting to a loving family life, and one is filled with self doubt after losing both hands in an explosion. Wyler made the revolutionary decision to cast a disabled actor who lost his hands in WW2 in this role, with veteran Harold Russell winning an Oscar for his performance.

It is the most insightful work that Hollywood has ever made about the realities of veterans - a sweet, romantic, wonderfully loving film that cares about its characters.

The Best Years of Our Lives is proof that war films don’t have to just be tragic or violent. There can be light at the end of the tunnel.

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An autistic writer who just wants to make some money and have some fun talking about wrestling, movies and whatever else comes to mind.