10 WAY Better Endings For Recent Movies

4. The "Bad" Guys Win - Old

Army of the Dead Dave Bautista

M. Night Shyamalan's new thriller Old may be uneven, but it sure is a wild ride alright.

The film reaches a natural end-point when the middle-aged versions of Maddox (Embeth Davidtz) and Trent (Emun Elliott) get trapped in an underwater coral passage, seemingly drowning, before it's revealed that the resort is actually a secret research facility conducting clinical trials of new life-saving drugs.

The shadowy pharma company has used the beach's time-accelerating properties to conduct their long-form trials in mere days, allowing them to make major medical breakthroughs in a ridiculously short amount of time.

It's a neat, Twilight Zone-esque kicker of an ending - if it were the ending, at least. Instead, the film continues for another 10 minutes with a more crowd-pleasing finale that feels as though tacked-on after poor test screening feedback.

In this extended finale, we see that Maddox and Trent are actually still alive and have brought the authorities to the resort who immediately shut the company's activities down.

It's just a little too neat and sunny for an otherwise bleak and disturbing film, when the reality is that mere mortals rarely triumph over monolithic corporations.

Plus, the fact that the company was actually doing something good for humanity in the grand scheme of things - albeit at an horrific ethical cost - would make their victory that much more provocative.

Instead, we got a generic happy ending to send the popcorn-gobbling masses home happy. Boo.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.