10 Ways Being A Movie Nerd Will Ruin Your Life

1. (You Feel Like) Everything In Your Life Imitates A Film

lifeisfilm This is no doubt indicative of some wider psychological issue that I daren€™t even begin to think about or analyse (isn't confusing fiction and reality one of the symptoms of psychopathology?), but there comes a point when you€™ve seen enough films that everything that happens in your life provides some kind of parallel with a film you've seen. The way one person you know reacts to something reminds you of something a character did in a film you watched lately. Something that happens to you bears an awful resemblance to the fate of another character in another film. Your friend€™s life really does resemble Dante€™s from Clerks. You're really just Vincent Gallo's character from The Brown Bunny in a different country and without the motorbike. Tetsuo has just been a cautionary fable for me on the events of this week. That cloud you just saw really looked like the one in Magnolia€ Again, like the film quote issue, the only logical explanation I can personally think up for this one is that there is just so much film out there that parallels were always going to come up. The fact that a great number of films (bar the surreal ones) are striving for some kind of realism or believability, or else you€™d find them awfully off-putting and hard to engage with, explains this, I think/hope. Or maybe this is just blind delusion and I really ought to just see a psychoanalyst. It works for Woody Allen in all those films he€™s been in, right? Right? I rest my case. Since this occurs at the highest level of nerdiness, I have put this as number one, and can safely say that this is the biggest (and most worrying) issue resulting in a ruined life from enjoying films. But it€™s worth it, though. It really is. I think. I try not to think about it too much.
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Such is my passion for films that some say my first word was "Tarantino"; this has since been refuted. But ever since my first trip to Toy Story 2 as a wee bonnie lad, I have been hooked to films of all shapes, sizes, and quality. I also write for my own blog; confirmedhorroraddict.blogspot.co.uk