10 Ways Marvel Can Stop The MCU From DYING

4. Put The Multiverse Back In The Box

Ant-Man and the Wasp Quantumania Kang
Marvel Studios

This is perhaps the toughest ask of all, but once Secret Wars comes out in 2027 and the Multiverse Saga is seemingly finished, the MCU needs to put the whole multiverse conceit away and leave it alone. Like, forever.

The multiverse is certainly an entertaining prospect to a point, allowing the franchise to indulge every last possible "what if?", the pinnacle of which will surely be an army of variant Avengers teaming up to defeat Kang in Secret Wars. It will be Fan Service: The Movie, for better or worse.

But the multiverse also has some major downsides, from confusing casual audiences - who make up the vast majority of paying customers - with its increasingly convoluted storytelling web.

Yet arguably more damaging than that, it makes the series' already gossamer-thin stakes feel even less palpable. When anything can happen and functionally identical versions of dead characters can simply be dragged into the fold from another universe, why should we care about anything?

Having the Multiverse Saga end with a converging event that either destroys the multiverse or, more likely, cuts off access to it, would help solidify meaningful stakes for the MCU's future.

Yet because it provides the franchise with an in-built function to hit the reset button and resurrect the dead, it's tough to picture Kevin Feige ever pulling the trigger.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.