10 Ways The Marvel Cinematic Universe Almost Turned Out Completely Different

10. Gulliver's Travels Got Scarlett Johansson The Part Of Black Widow

Since first appearing as Natasha Romanoff in Iron Man 2, Scarlett Johansson has become an important part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, signing a multi-picture contract and landing more screentime in The Avengers and Captain America: The Winter Soldier. Although some fans are disappointed that a standalone Black Widow movie wasn't part of the studio's Phase 3 announcement, if it wasn't for a terrible Jack Black movie then Johansson wouldn't be a part of the MCU at all. Emily Blunt was Jon Favreau's first choice for the part of Natasha Romanoff in Iron Man 2 and was offered the role, but a combination of scheduling conflicts and contractual obligations forced the actress to turn down the part. Instead, Blunt appeared in Gulliver's Travels, which re-imagined Jonathon Swift's classic novel as a big-budget effects-driven blockbuster with Jack Black in the title role. A poor excuse for a comedy, Gulliver's Travels tanked spectacularly at the domestic box office while Iron Man 2 became one of the biggest hits of the year. Thanks to her role in the MCU, Scarlett Johansson's star has never been higher (and her earning potential, the actress is rumored to have earned at least $5m from The Avengers) and the ass-kicking credentials established as Agent Romanoff surely helped drive Lucy to almost $450m at the box office this summer. However, Black Widow's role in the Marvel Cinematic Universe may have turned out completely different had Emily Blunt been able to accept the offer, with her warrior woman in Edge of Tomorrow proving her credentials as a potential action star.

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