10 Ways Phase 3 Could Ruin The Marvel Cinematic Universe

6. ...And Not Reaching Out To New Audiences

Whilst the Marvel movies are great in a lot of ways, they're not so hot on the whole diversity thing - when Guardians Of The Galaxy came out fan boys joked that they had made a movie involving a talking tree and a raccoon before DC had even considered bringing Wonder Woman to the big screen. Which Warner Bros. are now doing, first of all, but, second of all, it was a case of pot-kettle-black. The MCU is a cloyingly straight white male landscape. Three of its leading men so far as pasty dudes called Chris - Pratt, Hemsworth, Evans - and Scarlett Johnasson's Black Widow appears to be the only member of the Avengers who's never going to have her own movie. When Marvel announced their Phase 3 line up, they looked to be attempting to fix that problem. Fan-favourite Captain Marvel was heading to the big screen and, what's more, she would be following Black Panther - Marvel's first black leading man on-screen, apparently due to be introduced in Age Of Ultron. But now both films have been pushed back for the new Spider-Man film, meaning they're continuing to not try and reach out to a wider audience they've so far been ignoring.

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/