10 Ways Spider-Man Leaving The MCU Is Secretly Great

9. Spider-Man Shouldn't Be An Avenger (Not Yet)

Spider-Man Infinity War
Marvel Studios

When rebooting Spider-Man for the second time around, Sony and Marvel Studios made the only choice they could and settled on depicting the web-slinger as a young high schooler - as he was in his earliest comics. It fit the context of the MCU in that explained why Spidey hadn't appeared up until Civil War, and allowed both studios to try something a little different by showcasing a genuinely young version of the character.

Equally, though, there was no way this version wouldn't get involved with the Avengers at some stage following his introduction. Marvel got to have loads of interesting commentary on Peter being too young to have so much responsibility and it was a really refreshing angle to take, but that's also why it makes sense for the character to take a step back from the wider Marvel universe, albeit perhaps not in the most organic way possible.

No Marvel Studios means no Avengers, and Spidey, now a fugitive, has to figure out his own path without his superhero buddies. Sure, it's going to be a little weird seeing the next film struggle to address the logic in Peter not reaching out to the Avengers in the event of a serious catastrophe, but he's not ready to be an Avenger anyway - not yet.

So much of Far From Home was about the pressure of living up to the idea of being the 'next Iron Man', and while Parker seemingly accepted that responsibility when he builds his new suit, it's not a responsibility he should have to deal with. Not at his age.

Content Producer/Presenter
Content Producer/Presenter

Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.