In the original series and movie outings we spend very little time on or saving Earth. This is about space, the final frontier, seeking out new civilisations etc etc yet the two new films have concentrated almost entirely on Earth. The first film can be forgiven for this since it was an origins story but the second film had an entire universe to explore and we got a five minute glimpse of the Klingon home-world and a colourful but pointless scene on Nabiru. While we're at it, can anyone explain why you would submerge a starship with transporter capability? Seriously, what was that about? We joined the story in the reboot before the historic Five Year Mission, but Earth is already part of a Federation and there are many alien species and planets we could have journeyed to, instead all the action in the latest film was on home soil with the exception of the two scenes noted previously and the ship/space scenes. Somewhat contrived too since we see the Enterprise knocked out of warp, or what looks more like a slip-stream in this, completely ignoring what warp drive is, on the way back from Klingon space. The ship has flown for all of a few minutes yet comes out of warp near Jupiter then five minutes later crashes into Earth's atmosphere. Ignoring Jupiter's gravity, which you can't do, at sub-light speed it would take months to get from Jupiter to Earth, never mind just falling on your own inertia. It's worth noting that the human death toll in two reboot films and the apparent lack of any empathy has been nothing short of shocking. Quite aside from the whole Vulcan home-world being destroyed at a cost of billions of lives in the first film, crew-members have been blown into space, buildings blown up, massive office buildings razed to the ground at a cost of countless thousands of lives. Gene Roddenberry would not have approved.
I.T. Consultant, technophile and Doctor Who fan. I like to talk about tech, take films apart and make excuses for Doctor Who's continuity errors. No other show has the power to make me feel like a big kid.