10 Ways Star Trek Just Isn’t Star Trek Anymore

7. Rest Of The Crew

From Uhura being ridiculously unprofessional to Chekov being an engineer the rest of the crew are different in small and not so small ways. One of the things about doing a reboot is that you have the right to change certain things but when dealing with a property like Star Trek, especially when using the characters from the original series who were so beloved, you have to be careful. One of the worst offences of the reboot is what they have done to Scotty. Why would his life and timeline have been any different than the original history? Why would he have been assigned to some random station in the middle of nowhere when he was already an engineer of renown at that point? He originally served on many freighters, cruisers and starships yet we find him exiled on a moon on an inexplicably placed Star Fleet base. Finding him in a bar in "Into Darkness" after leaving the Enterprise, something he would never have done, was just the last straw. As anyone who knows, Scotty's favourite way to relax is reading a technical journal. Uhura is painted as being emotional and a little petulant as well as slightly over-bearing in her relationship with Spock. She speaks to superior officers in an inappropriate manner and discusses personal issues in public while on duty where Nichelle Nicols' portrayal was full of dignity and professionalism showing her engineering skills as well as her intellect. This was famously toned down in later series to "hailing frequencies open Captain" but she was restored to her former glory in the films. This whole crew seems inexperienced, undisciplined and not fit to be on the Federation's flagship. Quite why they have been written this way is perhaps to be in line with Kirk's inexperience rather than having a crew who have several years' more experience that their Captain. But it just doesn't make sense when the crew of the original series were seasoned professionals who were chosen to serve on the best ship in the fleet.

I.T. Consultant, technophile and Doctor Who fan. I like to talk about tech, take films apart and make excuses for Doctor Who's continuity errors. No other show has the power to make me feel like a big kid.