10 Ways Star Wars Actors FIXED Scenes They Hated

5. Oscar Isaac Persuaded J.J. Abrams To Scrap Poe's Death - The Force Awakens

Star Wars

Originally when Oscar Isaac signed up to play Poe Dameron in The Force Awakens, it was written to be a relatively small role, because Poe would be killed off at the end of the first act when he and Finn (John Boyega) crash-landed on Jakku while fleeing the First Order.

As excited as Isaac was to appear in a Star Wars movie, he wasn't terribly thrilled about being killed off so soon, especially after recently shooting four separate movies where he died early on.

And so, Isaac made his reservations clear to Abrams, who around a week later told Isaac that they had found a way to give Poe a stay of execution, ensuring he stuck around for the rest of the movie - and ultimately, the trilogy.

If Poe felt like the lesser of the sequel trilogy's three heroic leads, it's probably because he wasn't originally supposed to be one at all.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.