10 Ways to Make an Awesome Terminator Sequel

1. Reboot... Star Trek Style

At this point in time, even though I am a MASSIVE fan of the first Terminator movie, and really the franchise as a whole, I wouldn't care so much if the whole franchise was rebooted... but there is a clever way in which this could easily be done. Thanks to time travel, Star Trek was able to effectively reboot its franchise whilst at the same time also be a sequel of sorts to the other films with the inclusion of Leanord Nemoy as Spock. My idea for this Terminator 5, although there are many ways this could be done, would be to have a Terminator go back in time, and instead of lose, actually win in its attempt to prevent John Conner from being born. I would have the Terminator (preferably one that isn't as invincible as the ones from 2 and 3) sent back to the 60's and right at the end, when you think the film will deliver on a very stereotypical Hollywood happy ending, have the Terminator manage to kill one of Sarah Conner's parents. However, to keep this move from making the previous fantastic films irrelevant, I would have John Conner succeed in jumping back in time and succeed in destroying this Terminator... but unfortunately he is too late. However, instead of disappearing because he will never be born (like in Back to the Future) have him instead stuck in the 60's with no way back to the future and only one of his "grandparents" for company. This way, the film could rewrite the entire Terminator franchise whilst keeping its main character John Conner exactly the same. The future films then could act as a reboot of sorts, with the inevitable machine war in the future, and potential machines being sent back into the past to prevent any new future messiahs from being born. John Conner in this time-line could act as a mentor and guide, and could spend his life trying to prevent the future machine war from taking place and training future warriors this far in advance. It is likely also, because of how important John Conner would be as a guide in the past, that machines from the future would also want to come back in sequels and try to kill John Conner again. If this all goes to hell, which is fairly likely with Time Travel, then at the end of the sequels you could always use time travel to rewrite these movies and have John Conner find away to prevent the Terminators from killing his grandparents and allowing Sarah Conner to be born and the original movies happen like we all know they did. This said, it seemed to work very well with Star Trek (which has a hell of a lot more devoted fans) so it has the potential to work just as well with the Terminator franchise. Any ideas you have for a sequel, or any suggestions you have to make a sequel great again? Please, inform me in the comments section below...
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I am a recent Screenwriting for Film and Television graduate from the UK. I am an unashamed geek who loves everything Marvel, and anything Joss Whedon has ever touched (except for maybe Alien Resurrection and Titan A.E). My current favorite TV shows are Breaking Bad, Family Guy, House of Cards, Game of Thrones, American Horror Story, Homeland and Glee. I look forward to debating things with all of you in the future. (As of January 2013 I have had over 1 million views since joining WhatCulture in September 2012. You can reach me at danieljamesbowen@hotmail.co.uk)