10 Ways You're Ruining Movies For Everyone

10. Cellphone Cowboys

This one€™s a classic: who hasn€™t ever seen someone talking, texting or even playing videogames on their mobile while a film€™s been playing? The crimes these perpetrators have committed are endless, but we€™ll try to get through them all. If you€™re receiving a call and forgot to switch your phone to vibrate, that€™s bad enough, because your fellow cinema patrons came to hear lightsabers clash in Dolby Surround, not your tinny, rubbish ringtone. But if you go one more and answer the call? Well, that€™s simply unforgivable, and the rest of the audience would be well within their rights to lynch you given the appropriate mood and equipment. Texting or gaming is a lesser but no less impudent offence, as the light blaring from the screen of your smartphone indicates both that a) you don€™t much care about distracting other people and are a thoughtless sod, and b) you€™re not particularly interested in what the film has to offer anyway, so why are you even there?
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Film history obsessive, New Hollywood fetishist and comics evangelist.