10 Ways You're Ruining Movies For Everyone

8. Munch Munch Munch, Slurp Slurp Slurp

Now, food has always been a tricky business at the movies. Not for the cinemas themselves, of course; they€™re making way more on sticky, plastic popcorn and ten-gallon soft drinks that many people claim are responsible for their second mortgages. No, it€™s the eating of the €˜food€™ during a movie that€™s the tricky part for us. Whether it€™s popcorn-munchers, packet-crinklers or drinks-slurpers, the only good eater is a silent eater for our money. Simply bringing the food into a screen is bad enough as you know what you€™re in for, but it€™s the folks who are aware that their food is noisy who make life worse for everyone as they open and consume their not-quite meals with such agonising slothfulness that every tear of a Revels packet and crunch of a pocorn kernel is like nails on a chalkboard to the rest of us.
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Film history obsessive, New Hollywood fetishist and comics evangelist.