10 Weird Jobs Hollywood Stars Had Before They Were Famous

9. Coffin Polisher - Sean Connery

It's hard to imagine Sean Connery being anything other than an international movie star - he's held that enviable position for more years than most of us have been alive. But the jet-setting lifestyle Connery is now accustomed to wasn't always on the cards for the "Greatest Living Scot". An early job Sean Connery had is a reminder of how much times have changed - he used to be a milkman in Edinburgh back in the days when people still had their milk delivered each morning. A far more unusual job Connery worked as involved polishing coffins in preparation for upcoming funerals. In a sense this line of employment foreshadowed one of the predicaments Connery would face whilst playing his most famous role, James Bond - in the film Diamonds Are Forever (pictured above) Bond finds himself trapped inside a coffin as it trundles into the cremation incinerator - fortunately, like his old career polishing coffins, this was another situation he managed to escape from.
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