10 Weird Movie Romances That Made Your Skin Crawl

5. Benjamin Button and Daisy - The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

To summarise, it's basically a three-hour version of The Notebook, just with a man that ages in reverse order. The most curious thing about the film is just how weird and creepy it manages to get. Obviously, those problems stem from the source material. F. Scott Fitzgerald is one of the finest writers in history, but this is by no means his finest contribution to literature. Despite the fact it's based on a short story, the film runs at almost three hours long. Three whole hours of mounting weirdness, and a Cate Blanchett that couldn't emote if a gun was held to her head. There are some very skin-crawling moments present when Brad Pitt is the Old (but really young) Benjamin Button, with some startling paedophile undertones that are really unnecessary and don't help the film appear any less weirder. When a young man who looks like a very old man ogles a little girl, it's not going to work. Brad Pitt's performance is astonishing, but the plot is the problem, and that never shakes throughout the duration. The story is much better examined as a short piece of literature rather than a film, as the weird paedo vibes are much less distracting and apparent.
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