10 Weird Things Left Out Of Comic Book Movies

10. Captain America And Bucky's Crossdressing

The Captain America films had a lot of source material to draw from. The World War II-era hero first appeared before the US even entered the conflict, punching out Hitler in a comic written and drawn by a couple of Jewish people (namely Joe Simon and Jack Kirby), and he's rarely been out of print since then. In the sixties Cap was frozen and thawed out to join the modern-day Avengers but plenty of teams who've worked on the character have gone back and filled in backstory, including a fair amount by Ed Brubaker and Steve Epting in the Winter Soldier storyline that spawned the second film.

The first movie, however, sticks in the thirties and mostly draws upon the early comics, depicting the adventures of Steve Rogers, his sidekick Bucky, and the Howling Commandos. Marvel made a few small changes in the adaptation, like making Bucky and Cap the same age - instead of the standard, slightly creepy old dude-and-young-charge dynamic duo that's standard in superhero comics - and overall Captain America: The First Avenger is a mish-mash of different sources, but one things is for sure: they left out the crossdressing.

The patriotic pair often went undercover to smash those pesky Krauts, which usually meant some form of disguise, and on more than one occasion involved them sticking dresses on and trying to convincingly pass as women. Successfully, somehow. Not sure Chris Evans and Sebastian Stan would've managed it quite so well on screen, so maybe it's for the best they left this out.


Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/