10 Weirdest Cameos In MCU Movies

1. James Gunn's Dog - Guardians Of The Galaxy

Elon Musk MCU
Marvel Studios

If you were directing a major blockbuster movie, wouldn’t you include your dog in there somewhere? Well that was exactly what James Gunn decided to do in his MCU debut.

Dr. Wesley Von Spears (the dog’s name) gave a small but easily noticeable cameo in his owner’s film. Von Spears appears as holographic canine on the planet, Vormir. Peter Quill sees the dog in his search for the Orb during the opening credits, being fussed by a child outside the main temple.

Sadly, Dr. Wesley Von Spears passed away earlier this year during Gunn’s production on The Suicide Squad. Thankfully, Gunn was able to spend time with his beloved pet before his passing.

At the very least, Dr. Wesley is now immortalised in film forever as a loving cameo in one of Gunn's most beloved films. It's easy to miss, but that doesn't make it any less special.

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Guardians of the galaxy 2
Marvel Studios

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