10 Weirdest Moments In The Early Days Of DC Movies

10. The Fourth Superman, Filmed In Milton Keynes

By the time of the fourth Christopher Reeve Superman film, things had gone considerably off-track. In fact things had started to take a turn for the worse when Richard Donner was kicked off the second film and replaced with Richard Lester, whose decidedly more slap-stick tone was carried over to the third Superman movie (co-starring Richard Donner). At least the third one had some money spent on it. The same cannot be same for Superman IV: The Quest For Peace, better known as €œthey made a fourth Christopher Reeve Superman film?€. It was so bad that, when Bryan Singer made Superman Returns €“ a love letter to the Reeve movies €“ it erased The Quest For Peace from continuity. There's a lot of weird moments in the film, from the cack costume of villain Nuclear Man to his obvious anti-nuclear power symbolism. Weirdest of all might be that the film was funded by cheapo outfit Cannon Films instead of Warner Bros, who decided they'd save money by filming in Milton Keynes. Yes, you're supposed to believe Milton Keynes is Metropolis.
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Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/