10 Weirdest Places Horror Movie Characters Were Trapped In

4. Dollhouse Hell Dimension - Daniel Isn't Real (2019)

color out of space
Samuel Goldwyn Films

Psychological body horror Daniel Isn't Real is a film based around traps and deceptions (and not in the Saw kind of way). This is because protagonist Luke Nightingale (Miles Robbins) suffers from being trapped within his own head, not just from poor mental health, but also by the wiles of his invisible friend Daniel (Patrick Schwarzenegger), who goads him into doing some pretty unsavoury things.

Thing is, Daniel is a demon parasite who has latched onto Luke's mind, and hopes one day to make his body his own, too. Attempts to banish Daniel to Luke’s childhood dollhouse hold up until, as an adult, Luke’s declining mental health causes him to summon his pal again.

But Daniel isn’t happy at having been confined for so many years, and uses a hypnosis session with Luke’s therapist to take control, trapping Luke in the dollhouse – which, it turns out, is an otherworldly hell dimension. It’s a strange place to be, and Luke shares his time there with a deformed and monstrous John Thigpen (Daniel Marconi) - a mass-murderer and Daniel’s previous host - luckily escaping before he becomes the same kind of scaly, thorny, icky monster.


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