10 Weirdest Space Epic Movies

3. Sunshine

It€™s 2057 and the sun has failed, starting a solar winter that threatens humankind. In an attempt for salvation, a massive bomb is placed on an internationally-manned spacecraft and sent to the sun in hopes of kickstarting the fading star. The ship, Icarus II, is the second such ship to be launched on this mission. The first ship, Icarus I, is currently lost without a trace. As they pass Mercury, they lose contact with Earth and pick up a distress call from Icarus I. Deciding two bombs, therefore two chances to save the Earth, are better than one, they change course to rendezvous with the ship. Once they commit to their change of course, things move quickly from frying pan to fire. Sunshine is more than an action movie. The psychological, metaphysical and religious themes Boyle deals with elevate the plot from standard fare to epic exploration. Although there is a third act twist which many felt to be unnecessary and an easy way to resolve the films heavy questions, Boyle has created a compelling work that stands well outside conventional expectations. His visual style works well in the science fiction genre and his directing choices bring a sense of growing tension to the tight-quartered journey. To increase the sense of claustrophobia, Boyle chose to not cut back to Earth, a familiar trope of the €˜planet in peril€™ genre. Controversial third act aside, Sunshine remains a strange and stunning film operating on a grand scale.

David Wagner is an author/musician who splits his time between Oakland, CA and Istanbul, Turkey. David has published two novels, both available on his website, and as a fan of movies, comics, and genre television, he is happy to be working with WhatCulture as a regular contributor.