10 Weirdest Virtual Reality Horror Movies

7. Dark City

The Cell
New Line Cinema

Dark City opens with a man called John Murdoch awakening in a bathtub, with no memory of who he is. While John tries to piece his life together, he notices the city is constantly shifting around, the citizens keep having their memories reset, and a group of insidious strangers seem to be following him.

If you haven't see Dark City, you may know it as "the movie that did The Matrix before The Matrix did". Since The Matrix became one of the most celebrated sci-fi films ever, Dark City is now perceived as the inferior version.

But there are some elements that work better in Dark City than in the Wachowski's defining work. Instead of revealing the big mystery in a colossal exposition dump, this neo-noir unfurls the mystery slowly. Every ten minutes or so, a crucial tidbit is revealed, which keeps us constantly invested.

Although you'll be left scratching your head for most of the runtime, everything will be explained before the end. (However, Dark City never explains what accent Kiefer Sutherland is trying to do. It will forever remain a mystery.)


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