10 Wild Predictions About X-Men: Days Of Future Past

1. The Movie Will Correct Cyclops's Terrible Death

The X-Men franchise is the lynch pin of the Fox-Marvel Universe and this movie will do a lot to solidify the new franchises they are looking to develop around their licensed properties. The problem however is, that while they are rebooting their Fantastic Four franchise they are not rebooting X-Men and in the X-Men world, Cyclops and Jean Grey are dead. In so far as Jean Grey being dead goes, that's not such a big deal. "Dead" is easily the number three descriptor of Jean Grey after "red head" and "Phoenix". Cyclops, however, should certainly not be dead, and certainly not just to be in Superman Returns as the cuckolded paramour of Lois Lane. One can only hope that decisions like Cyclops's horrid death by the lake can be undone with a little time travel intervention. Shoot, maybe that's why he disappeared without a trace...because he was snatched out of time by Professor X. While many were not especial fans of the character's depiction in those first three X-Men movies, Cyclops has never been more interesting than he has been in recent years in the comics and it would be a disservice to the growing film franchise for him to be absent. It would be like leaving Captain America out of the Avengers movie. And Days of Future Past is certainly stacking up to be the Avengers caliber movie event for Fox.

Brandon grew from the awkwardness of his youth into the awkwardness of his adulthood. He is the author of the Eat Your Serial Press title "Ten Years Gone: Pomp and Circumstance" and is a contributor on Maglomaniac, Polite on Society, and What Culture.