10 Wild Predictions About X-Men: Days Of Future Past

10. We'll Get A Glimpse Of The Fox-Marvel Universe

Baxter Building With Fox looking to launch a shared universe for their licensed Marvel properties (Fantastic Four and X-Men), it would be pretty safe to assume that a movie premised with lots of time travel would hold some nice Easter Eggs that would either tease the upcoming movies, or at least attempt to integrate them visually into the background. Days of Future Past, in the comics, holds the iconic scene of Wolverine walking through the cemetery where all the Marvel heroes are buried. We might want to keep our eyes peeled in the movie for the names of the Fantastic Four on tombstones, should any be around in the movie. Additionally we may want to check the skies for the Baxter Building in the New York, or any other references to Marvel's first family and possibly of the Sovereign of Latveria, Victor Von Doom. More reason to believe that we might see the Baxter Building make an appearance is that, in the source material, future Sentinels are based out of Reed Richards' old building-sized lab. If ever there was a moment for synergy, this is it. Even if these nods come in passing, or can only be caught if you squint and pause the movie, suffice it to say that this movie must and will be a touchstone for the coming Fox-Marvel Universe. We should expect this movie to set up or tease lots of future movie plots for both franchises.

Brandon grew from the awkwardness of his youth into the awkwardness of his adulthood. He is the author of the Eat Your Serial Press title "Ten Years Gone: Pomp and Circumstance" and is a contributor on Maglomaniac, Polite on Society, and What Culture.