Insanity is something very hard to pull off in the movies. As a screenwriter, your work must reflect on how the character behaves and how he interacts with the world that surrounds him, how every action and even affects him and how his actions change the world around him. Despite how popular the idea of an insane man is now, very few films accomplish to make a well written character that the audience can relate themselves with, in one way or another. Whether or not they are villains or heroes, these next characters stand out to be not only wonderfully scripted and developed, but also incredibly acted by the stars who play them. These characters will definitely leave a mark in movie history, and this is a small tribute to them....
10. Patrick Bateman
"There is an idea of a Patrick Bateman; some kind of abstraction. But there is no real me [...] And though I can hide my cold gaze, and you can shake my hand and feel flesh gripping yours and maybe you can even sense our lifestyles are probably comparable I simply am not there" Patrick Bateman is the personification of the worst kind of monster that the world denies to see. His actions not only are extremely violent, but they also reflect a sick, twisted mind that it isn't easy to understand. Based on the incredible masterpiece by Breat Easton Ellis, American Psycho is a very interesting character study on the mind of one of the most famous and recognized sociopaths in the media. This is acomplished in part by the incredible directon of the film, made by Mary Harron, who knew the best way to deliver a watered down version of the story but that could still show us the very dark side of Bateman. The stunishing performance by Christian Bale became the image everyone now has on the killer. Although the film plays it quite ambiguous about whether or not Bateman was a murderer, it's still a great journey through the mind of a sociopath.