10 Worst Action Movies Since 2000

1. Transformers: Rise Of The Fallen

Not to be confused with a meal in a fast food restaurant, this first Transformers sequel offers no real nourishment but was mystifyingly popular with its adolescent fan base, its soulless uniformity presumably part of the appeal. It has more of everything: more racial humour, more casual sexism and more fetishist displays of hardware. There€™s bots who say €œBoogy Boogy Boo€, a robot dog humping Megan Fox€™s leg and lots of stuff blowing up. How does Michael Bay come up with this? If you were new to the brand and, more importantly, outside the target demographic, you€™d probably side with the picture€™s detractors, but such views count for zero on Planet Bay. His enormous success is attributable not to them but to his ability to give a teenaged crowd €˜what it wants€™, which appears to be a $195 million promotional tool with fast cars and huge explosions. Buy the toys, CDs, computer games etc. Worship the surface. Because if you look underneath, it€™s not a pretty sight. http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2lkjyr_10-films-banned-for-insanely-stupid-reasons_shortfilms

Ian Watson is the author of 'Midnight Movie Madness', a 600+ page guide to "bad" movies from 'Reefer Madness' to 'Poultrygeist: Night of the Chicken Dead.'