10 Worst Big Money Trilogies Of All Time

1. The Star War Prequels

Total Box Office: $2.525 billion When George Lucas released the first instalment of the new prequel trilogy sixteen years after Return of the Jedi hit cinemas fan expectations were high, and though cinemagoers flocked in their droves to see The Phantom Menace (in fact, it was 1999€™s most successful film making a staggering $924.3 million worldwide) for many audiences, especially the older ones who had grown up with the original Star Wars films, the film and its two prequel sequels were a dud. Beyond a drawn-out depiction of Anakin Skywalker€™s turn to the dark side set against a backdrop of intergalactic trade disputes the prequels had no real discernible plot, but even that could€™ve been forgiven if it wasn€™t for the bumbling idiot that was Jar Jar Binks, possibly cinema€™s most universally maligned character. The disappointment of the prequel trilogy didn€™t blight the franchise though if the hype around Star Wars: The Force Awakens is anything to go by whose second teaser trailer broke world records for most YouTube views (30.65 million view to be exact) this summer. Which big money movie trilogy do you think deserves to be counted as the worst? Share your picks below in the comments thread.

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