10 Worst CGI Moments From 2022 Movies

7. Totally Not Egypt - Death On The Nile

Morbius Matt Smith
20th Century Studios

Kenneth Branagh's Death on the Nile could only fully succeed if its visual effects believably transported the audience to Egypt, and as fun as the film often is, even a $90 million budget apparently isn't enough to pull off some decent green screen compositing.

The majority of the film was shot on soundstages in England, with the backdrops then being filled in from footage shot on location in Egypt by Branagh's second unit crew.

The primary issue is that the camera and lighting setups rarely match properly, ensuring viewers are acutely aware they're looking at something totally fake.

The most obvious scenes involve Poirot (Branagh) talking to Bouc (Tom Bateman) by the pyramids, and when Jackie de Bellefort (Emma Mackey) first boards the ship.

The green screen work is hilariously poor, and especially unfortunate given the film's attempts to sell itself as an exotic adventure featuring a gorgeous cast in a far-flung locale.

Instead, we're constantly reminded that they shot it in a drab warehouse against a green curtain somewhere in London.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.