10 Worst Comic Book Castings in Film History

6. Ray Stevenson As Frank Castle in Punisher: War Zone

I€™m probably one of the few that liked Thomas Jane as Frank Castle and wish he could have played the role in more sequels. But instead enter €œPunisher: War Zone,€ a film that is less-than-half of the first €œPunisher,€ and it features an actor that awesome when in his element. In the HBO series: €œRome,€ Ray Stevenson plays Titus Pullo, a Roman soldier that literally makes friends with people he is sent to assassinate. In €œKing Arthur,€ his Dagonet was one of the more notable performances in a film that was largely a failure. Stevenson has acting chops, there is no doubt about that, but a revenge-bent warrior with an arsenal of explosives is a role that does not fit him. Who They Should Have Cast: Thomas Jane... they had him and couldn't keep him.
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28 year old male likes long walks on the beaches and romantic dinners in the...whoa...wrong posting. Greetings all! If you are reading this, you probably want to know a thing or two about me. I am indeed a 28 year old dude from Oregon, I'm happily married, and I am a creative professional that does graphic design and photography to try (keyword is try) to make money in this crazy world we live in. I'm totally insane about film and the arts, and I have some pretty strong political/religious/social opinions as well. I draw quite a bit of inspiration from film, and often use it as a lens for viewing the world. On this site, you’ll catch me writing about a variety of, well, stuff, and you can agree, disagree, or be indifferent, but any way you look at it, I love a good argument (I forgot to mention that I studied philosophy for two years, so argumentation, as long as it is good, gets me all excited). Happy blogging to all!