10 Worst Defences Directors Had For Bad Movie Moments

2. "The CGI Is Awful On Purpose" - The Flash

The Flash
Warner Bros. Pictures

One of the biggest complaints about The Flash is the regularly atrocious quality of its VFX - from the opening sequence in which Barry (Ezra Miller) rescues a fleet of falling babies to his various trips to the "Chronobowl" and the final battle, the movie is awash in gaudy, plastic-looking CGI that's a genuine eyesore to look at.

But when director Andy Muschietti was grilled about the film's "unique" aesthetic during its press tour, he responded that the effects were supposed to look like that. Speaking of the baby sequence in particular, he said to i09:

"The idea, of course, is... we are in the perspective of the Flash... Everything is distorted in terms of lights and textures. We enter this 'waterworld' which is basically being in Barry’s POV. It was part of the design so if it looks a little weird to you that was intended."

Ugliness as an artistic choice is certainly an interesting explanation, even if it's one that few fans are buying. More to the point, even if it is intentional, does that in any way excuse how hideous it looks?


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.