10 Worst Female Movie Characters Of 2014

10. Tessa Yeager - Transformers: Age Of Extinction

Unfortunately, Hollywood has a fascination with the idea that audiences won€™t watch a movie unless it has an overwhelming human interest element. Michael Bay's Transformers franchise suffers particularly flagrantly with this, for while having a human protagonist is an acceptable indulgence, do these movies really need to waste so much screen time on characters no one ultimately care nothing about?! In Bay's latest outing, Nicola Peltz plays Tessa, the daughter of our main protagonist, Cade (Mark Wahlberg). She exists purely to look pretty and to add some emotional weight to the proceedings; the latter of which doesn€™t work. Also, the film makes Tessa underage simply so they can make a bunch of jokes about the fact that she's dating (and presumably having sex) with a grown man who creepily carries in his wallet a copy of a rape statute that permits his actions. On top of it all, Peltz isn't exactly a great actress. An upcoming Razzie nomination should be imminent at this point.

Jesse Gumbarge is editor and chief blogger at JarvisCity.com - He loves old-school horror films and starting pointless debates. You can reach out at: JesseGumbarge@JarvisCity.com