10 Worst Film Comedies Since 2000

1. Jack And Jill

Dirty Grandpa Poster 0
Columbia Pictures

To paraphrase Roger Ebert, some movies are merely bad while others are evil and reprehensible. No movie that throws in anti-Semitism, fat jokes, overbearing product placement and Adam Sandler in drag was ever going to be merely bad, but Jack And Jill goes even further. It casts Sandler in a dual role, playing an advertising exec as well as his brash sister.

Incredibly, the film also ropes in Al Pacino (as “Himself”) who’s clearly wandered off the reservation because he falls for sister Sandler, something her brother goes along with because he wants to snag Pacino for a Dunkin Donuts commercial. Only it’s not just any commercial, it’s for their latest product, the ‘Dunkachino’. Imagine if the Godfather walked into a store, told the staff to call him “Dunk”, and someone said, “Dunkachino!”, prompting him to extol the virtues of said product in song. It’d be hysterical. Not.

Unlikely to be the scene you’ll see when it comes time to do The Godfather’s TV obits, Pacino sheds some of that cumbersome dignity as he raps about donuts while surrounded by (why not?) dancing donuts. How does Sandler convince so many Oscar winners (see also: Christopher Walken, Susan Sarandon) to make fools of themselves?

What's your least favourite comedy of the 2000s? Have a laugh and tell us down in the comments.


Ian Watson is the author of 'Midnight Movie Madness', a 600+ page guide to "bad" movies from 'Reefer Madness' to 'Poultrygeist: Night of the Chicken Dead.'