10 Worst Film Comedies Since 2000

3. The Hottie And The Nottie

Dirty Grandpa Poster 0
Regent Releasing

Who in their right mind decided to cast Paris Hilton as the lead in a movie The Village Voice described as “crass, shrill, disingenuous, tawdry, mean-spirited, vulgar, idiotic, boring, slapdash, half-assed and very, very unfunny”? Ask Paris Hilton – that’s her production company listed in the credits.

The film’s big ‘joke’ is that Paris is, like, a total hottie, but her best friend is a nottie with tombstone teeth, a facial mole, an infected toenail etc. Because you can’t get into a hottie’s pants if her nottie doesn’t like you – yes, I am cringing while I type this – Joel David Moore spends the movie trying to do just that, leading to ‘hilarious’ sequences where prospective suitors gag in the nottie’s presence.

Exhibit A in the case against socialites being allowed to steal our oxygen, The Hottie And The Nottie exists for no reason other than to keep Paris Hilton in the public eye, and just like its star it has an aversion to depth and human feeling. You’d think someone who’d spent all that money creating their celebrity would at least invest in a second facial expression.


Ian Watson is the author of 'Midnight Movie Madness', a 600+ page guide to "bad" movies from 'Reefer Madness' to 'Poultrygeist: Night of the Chicken Dead.'