10 Worst Horror Movies Of 2023 (So Far)

Let's check in with some of the worst "scary" films we've seen so far.

The Popes Exorcist
Sony Pictures Releasing

2023 is barely halfway through and it's already produced some truly stonking cinema.

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 brought the saga to a touching end, Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse might just be the best Spidey flick of all time, and nobody was expecting the Mario movie to do as well as it did.

Not even Chris Pratt's accent could stand in its way.

As for horror, the genre has seen some great releases too. Scream and Evil Dead made their triumphant returns, with standalone pictures like Beau is Afraid and Infinity Pool also making a splash.

Unfortunately, as Isaac Newton once said, "Every good horror movie has an equal and opposite bad horror movie."

That's definitely the quote, right?

The past six months have already given us some right rotters when it comes to horror films. Some were disappointing, some were confusing, and others were just plain horrible.

All of these films failed to garner love from critics or fans, with some ranking among the very worst of all movies from the year thus far.

How many of these will be on the "Worst of" list come the end of the year?

We'll have to wait and see.

10. We Have A Ghost

The Popes Exorcist

Comedy horrors aren't easy to get right.

They can create a disconnect by their very nature, which means that they have to be handled very carefully in order to achieve the desired balance between funny and bloody.

This balance was not achieved by Christopher Landon's We Have a Ghost.

The brains behind Happy Death Day take a sideways glance at the traditional haunted house narrative in this Netflix film starring Stranger Things' David Harbour and the MCU's Anthony Mackie.

Upon moving into their new home, the Presley family (no relation to Elvis, probably) discover that an amnesiac spectre is haunting them. It's up to the humans to find out about the ghost's past in order to lay him to rest.

Whilst We Have a Ghost did some things right, it didn't quite nail everything it tried to do.

It attempted to combine a scary ghost story with a slapstick comedy with a feelgood redemption arc and ended up watering down all of those elements in the process.

It had its moments, but the movie sadly fell short of what it could have been.

We're not angry, we're just disappointed.


Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.