10 Worst Horror Movies Of 2023 (So Far)

6. Fear

The Popes Exorcist
Hidden Empire Releasing

You have to hand it to the team behind this one for taking the bold approach of literally naming a horror movie after the emotion it wants audiences to feel.

That'd be like calling a comedy "Funny" or a Michael Bay movie "Confused and Upset".

Fear is the work of director Deon Taylor, who gave the world 2016's Meet the Blacks. It follows an author and his girlfriend as they take a vacation at a secluded lodge.

Sadly, like all vacations in horror movies, this one does not end well.

And that's not because somebody raided the mini-bar.

The movie soon becomes a tired re-tread of the pandemic; the inhabitants of the lodge get sick based on their own phobias and chaos ensues from there.

For a film named after and about the concept of fear itself, there's just one glaring problem.

It isn't very scary.

Jump scares are visible from miles away, most of the characters are hard to invest in, and the whole thing feels like it's only giving out half of what it should.

There's no doubt that Deon Taylor is a talented filmmaker, but let's just hope he doesn't have a phobia of producing subpar horrors.


Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.