10 Worst Horror Movies Of 2023 (So Far)

3. Children Of The Corn

The Popes Exorcist
RLJE Films

Adaptations of Stephen King books never go wrong!

There's The Shining, Carrie, It, Firestarter... Cell... Maximum Overdrive...

Ok, you get the idea.

One King story that has received several big screen versions is Children of the Corn, which tells the tale of an evil entity that compels the youth of a small town to murder all of the adults.

Prior to 2020, there had been ten different films in the franchise. Despite none of them being particularly good, director Kurt Wimmer decided to add to this cursed canon.

The new version, which was first shown in 2020 but only released in cinemas in 2023, changes up the formula slightly but mainly sticks to the whole "killer children" brief of the other films.

Also like the other films, this one sucks!

Nothing about Children of the Corn is particularly scary or exciting. It also haphazardly attempts to bring social commentary into the mix, failing to bring home any of the messages it set out with.

Even in the face of the lowest of low expectations, 2023's Children of the Corn came up short.

Now, for the love of God, can we please burn this hideous crop to the ground and salt the earth?


Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.