10 Worst Horror Movies Of 2024 (So Far)
1. Tarot

Nothing screams "creativity is dead" quite like Hollywood bankrolling a movie about... killer Tarot cards.
And while a campy, gory B-movie about a group of teens who get offed in a variety of ridiculous, Final Destination-inspired ways as envisioned by a Tarot deck could've made for a giddy time, this ain't it.
Though competently made from a visual standpoint, Tarot's script has all the rough-hewn hallmarks of "we frantically scrawled this on a cocktail napkin the night before shooting," while making a hugely fatal misstep - taking itself far too seriously.
But Tarot's biggest crime? The centre-piece kill sequences are achingly lacking in imagination, and worse still, the film's frustratingly permissive PG-13 rating means there's not even any gnarly gore to savour.
Props to the actors for delivering the stale dialogue with a straight face, but for the most part Tarot doesn't even satisfy as a schlocky trash-fest you can have fun laughing at.
Yet because Sony produced it for just $8 million, it turned an easy profit at the box office, so don't be shocked if Tarot 2 slinks into cinemas soon enough.