10 Worst Horror Movies Of 2024 (So Far)

1. Tarot

Night Swim

Nothing screams "creativity is dead" quite like Hollywood bankrolling a movie about... killer Tarot cards. 

And while a campy, gory B-movie about a group of teens who get offed in a variety of ridiculous, Final Destination-inspired ways as envisioned by a Tarot deck could've made for a giddy time, this ain't it.

Though competently made from a visual standpoint, Tarot's script has all the rough-hewn hallmarks of "we frantically scrawled this on a cocktail napkin the night before shooting," while making a hugely fatal misstep - taking itself far too seriously.

But Tarot's biggest crime? The centre-piece kill sequences are achingly lacking in imagination, and worse still, the film's frustratingly permissive PG-13 rating means there's not even any gnarly gore to savour.

Props to the actors for delivering the stale dialogue with a straight face, but for the most part Tarot doesn't even satisfy as a schlocky trash-fest you can have fun laughing at.

Yet because Sony produced it for just $8 million, it turned an easy profit at the box office, so don't be shocked if Tarot 2 slinks into cinemas soon enough.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.