10 Worst Horror Movies Of 2024 (So Far)

4. Imaginary

Night Swim

Conceptually there's certainly potential in a horror film centered around a child's not-so-imaginary "friend," and Imaginary gets a few points for its memorable creature design, but for the most part this is yet more anodyne genre slop from Jeff Wadlow (Truth or Dare, Fantasy Island).

Much as we all often joke about generic modern film scripts feeling like they were produced by AI, it's entirely believable in this case. The movie stays in a low gear from start to finish, waltzing through the predictable, played-out supernatural horror beats without a single sliver of invention.

Beyond a few unintentionally hilarious moments, this is a horror film unlikely to make you feel much at all, except boredom. 

Much like Night Swim, it probably would've benefitted from an R rating and an overall nastier tone, but instead it's a toothless, teen-skewing "gateway horror" flick that's already been swiftly forgotten by the masses.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.