10 Worst Jedi Masters In Star Wars

Just because they were Jedi, didn't mean these masters were perfect... not by a long shot.

star wars pong krell

Since its inception way back in 1977, the world of Star Wars has often framed the Jedi as the unquestionable forces of good within the galaxy. A mystical group of space wizards tasked with trying to ensure there is peace across the galaxy, often found dishing out valuable pieces of wisdom such as "Do. Or do not. There is no try" and a quick drink mid-mission never hurt anyone...

But as the Skywalker Saga would unfold over the years, alongside countless additional comic book, video game, and television tales, the reality of the Jedi soon came into focus. And fans of the galaxy far, far away became increasingly aware of the Order, and the masters found operating within it, being far from perfect after all.

And while even the likes of the great Obi-Wan Kenobi and Yoda have been known to make the odd mistake over the years - certain point of view, my ass - there's telling a porky to protect the son of Darth Vader and then there's almost single-handedly sealing the terrible fate of the entire Jedi Order with a defiant reaction to being rejected by their master peers.

So, let's dive into those Jedi Masters who are simply... the worst.

10. Luminara Unduli

star wars pong krell

One specific master who personified the concept of the Jedi denying themselves any form of attachment during the Clone Wars in particular, came in the form of Luminara Unduli; a rather cold wielder of the Force, it must be said.

On top of being disturbingly quick to accept the reality of her ultimately disillusioned padawan Barriss Offee being no more, despite there still being a chance that Offee and Ahsoka Tano could be alive in the wake of a droid factory on Geonosis exploding with the two youngsters inside, Unduli's apparent reaction to orphaning the Martez sisters is also about as heartless as it gets, too.

As Rafa would explain to Ahsoka during Clone Wars Season 7, Episode 7, a Jedi matching the description of Unduli came to speak to the children in the wake of the peacekeepers steering a ship into their homes and killing their parents in their bids to protect a crowded platform from being smashed into.

Her words of, "I had to make a choice. But not to worry, the Force will be with you" did little to comfort the kids who had just been left without parents or shelter. And served as a reminder why some folks had every reason to believe the Jedi were just as bad as anyone else causing chaos in the galaxy.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...