10 Worst Jedi Masters In Star Wars

2. Sifo-Dyas

star wars pong krell

While it's been noted on a number of occasions already how the Jedi Order weren't exactly known for always getting it right, in the case of their call to keep from allowing Master Sifo-Dyas to build an army to protect the Jedi from the visions he'd experienced of an incoming war, they were probably right to give the concept a hard pass.

Unfortunately for every Jedi ultimately taken out in Order 66, though, after being taken off the Jedi Council due to his desire to forge an army for the Republic, Count Dooku's pal defied the Order and went ahead with plans to create a clone army anyway; even going as far as to claim that the folks on Kamino had the blessing of both the Jedi and Galactic Senate to start building the troops.

However, in the wake of Dooku betraying his former mate and ultimately being responsible for his death, Sidious would assume control of said secret clone army from the shadows.

So, despite the army clearly being initially designed as a way to protect both the Republic and the Order, Sifo-Dyas' foolish decision to press ahead behind the Council's back eventually presented Palpatine with the tools to take over the galaxy.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...