10 Worst MCU Movie Posters (So Far)

2. Captain America: Civil War

Spider Man Far From Home
Marvel Studios

The most common Civil War poster is great. This one is not. It looks more like it was created to be a cardboard cutout for a toy range than an actual theatrical IMAX poster.

The edges around some of the characters are extremely sharp next to a character with extremely smooth ones.

Details on certain characters just look bad, like Black Panther's single leg sliding through the lines of the shield as if he's climbing through a garden fence, or Natasha's eyes almost slipping into the back of her head in that awful shot of her they chose to use. Steve Rogers looks ginger and Bucky looks like he's coated in enamel.

It's just such an odd design with characters deposited awkwardly with wildly different proportions all around it. Probably for the best that this is a far lesser known design.


Chances are I’m watching a movie or replaying Mass Effect rather than doing anything productive.