10 Worst Movie CGI Of 2021

1. Bruce Willis Green Screen - Apex

Space Jam A New Legacy Don Cheadle
RLJE Films

And finally, we conclude with what is almost objectively the worst CGI moment of the entire year. Brace yourselves.

Bruce Willis' sausage factory of low-budget, no-effort, straight-to-streaming action flicks reached an unthinkable nadir in 2021, as the Die Hard star decided to "branch out" from making five or six forgettable cop thrillers a year to crank out a couple of sci-fi clunkers too.

The latest and possibly the worst of the bunch is Apex, where Bruce once again does the bare minimum while letting his extremely noticeable stand-in do most of the heavy lifting.

But the most risible moment comes right at the end of the film, when Brucey blows the baddie (Neal McDonough) up with a grenade launcher and triumphantly walks outside, surrounded by the embers of his glorious victory.

Except, it's embarrassingly obvious that Bruce is just standing in front of a green screen and has been awkwardly composited into an effects shot.

The lighting between the two elements doesn't match properly and it's basically impossible not to laugh while Bruce awkwardly looks around the frame, surely entirely aware of just how awful the final shot will end up looking.

It's mercifully one of the last shots of the film, and at least ensures you'll be left cackling when the end credits roll.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.